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Innovators 4 Climate Action (ICA) is a non-profit LBQ-led Climate Justice Foundation registered in March 2023 under the Companies Act, 2015. ICA was established in response to the global climate crisis and its impacts in Kenya. There was a clear need for involvement of frontline communities, especially Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer (LBQ) individuals in climate action, in order to enhance the effectiveness of climate responses, promote social equity and resilience, and community ownership in tackling the global climate crisis.

ICA uses intersectional feminist approaches to effectively address the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change. We believe that the perspectives and experiences of LBQ individuals who are disproportionately impacted by climate change must be actively included and integrated into climate action interventions. This means recognizing and addressing the various forms of oppression and inequality that intersect with climate change, and working towards solutions that are equitable and just for all.

Our groundbreaking Queer Climate Justice organizing in Kenya not only addresses climate change but also uplifts LBQ voices, promotes equity, and fosters a more inclusive and resilient world.